Special Effects for Professional Events

Frogger: Built To Function Every Time


Frogger was created out of necessity. There are so many bad CO2 products on the market and we’ve tried them all. We designed ours to be a tank.


Designed in Nashville and assembled in Nashville with parts fabricated in the USA, Frogger is built to last. It can take a beating.


We know what’s on the line for your event. Frogger is the one CO2 fogger that will work every time.


The original Frogger was created out of our desire, as event producers, for reliable and well-built smoke effects equipment.


Phat Frogger was created as a result of one of our clients wanting a TON of smoke for a huge event. Since then, Phat Frogger has been featured at the largest of events, including the Halftime Shows for Super Bowls LIII and LIV.

"I've been in the marketing and events industry for more than a decade and there is no better product than Frogger."

- Dean Heasley

Why Trust Frogger For Your Event?

Our smoke effects are built specifically to be as reliable and as simple to use as possible. We designed them because we were dissatisfied with the special effects products on the market.

Word got out that we had built something special and other production companies started calling us. Then, large events were calling us directly. We’ve been building, selling, and using these ourselves for over a decade.

Industries We Serve